Biology is a branch of science which deals with life and living beings.It is a branch of science in which living beings are studied.Aristotle ,a universal scholar,is known as the father of Biology.Biology has two main branches---



1.Botany-----It is the scientific study of plants and deals with different aspects of plants. Theophrastus is known as the father of Botany 

2.Zoology----It is the scientific study of animals and covers different aspects of animal kingdom. Again Aristotle is known as the father of zoology. 

Here is the list of important terms which are often used in Biology. 

1.ANATOMY-- It is the study of internal structure of living oraganism . 

2.ANTHROPOLOGY-- It is the study of origin, development and relationship between the past and present human societies and cultures. 

3.ANTHOLOGY-- It is the study of flower and flowering plants. 

4.AGROLOGY-- It is a branch of soil science which deals with the production of different crops. 

5.AGRONOMY-- It is a branch of science dealing with soil management and production of crop. 

6.AGROSTOLOGY- It is the study of different types of grasses. 

7.ANGIOLOGY-- It is the study of blood vascular system or deals with studying veins and arteries. 

8.ANDROLOGY -- It is the study of male reproductive organs 

9.BRYOLOGY - It is a sub branch of Biology deals with different aspects of Bryophytes. 

10.BACTERIOLOGY--It is study of life,structure machanism of different Bacteria. 

11.BIOTECHNOLOGY-- It is a science in which genetically modified species of living organisms are produced. 

12.CARDIOLOGY-- It is a study of heart. 

13.CRYOBIOLOGY--It is a branch of science deal with studying the preservation and the effect of low temperature on organisms. 

14.CYTOLOGY- It is the study of cell of living organism. 

15 . DENDROCHRONOLOGY-- It is a sub branch of Botany deals with counting and analyzing annual growth rings of trees to find their age. 

16.DERMATOLOGY-- It is a study which deals with different types skins, diseases and preventions.

17.DEMOGRAPHY -- It is the study of population dynamics and various factors affecting the population growth of a particular species. 

18.ECOLOGY-- It is the study of inter-relationship between living organisms and their organisms. 

19.Etiology-- It is a sub- branch of zoology which deals with life cycle and pattern of pathogens. 

20.ENTOMOLOGY-- It is a sub branch of zoology dealing with the study of insects. 

21.EUGENICS -- It is the study of strategies and factors connected with the improvement of race. 

22.EMBRYOLOGY-- It is a sub branch of Biology deals with the study of fertilization proceses and development stages of zygote. 

23.EVOLUTION-- It is the study of how life originated on earth and different types of various modifications, variations, developments and formation of new species over time to time. 

24.ENTHNOLOGY -- It is the study of different aspects of human races. 

25. ETHOLOGY - It is concerned with different types of behavior of animals. 

26.EXOBIOLOGY-- It is the study of different perceptions, theories, concepts with reflect the possibility of life in space. 

27.FORENSIC SCIENCE -- It is branch of modern Biology which deals with the identification of various civilian facts. 


29.FORESTRY -- This branch deals with the development and management of forests. Social forestry is a major type. 

30.FISHERY -- It deals with rearing, breeding and marketing of different species of fish. 

31.FOOD TECHNOLOGY-- It is the study of persevation, processing, storage and transportation of food by using scientific methods . 

32.GERONTOLOGY -- It deals with the study of various stages of ageing. 

33. GYNECOLOGY.-- It deals with the study of female reproductive organs. 

34. GASTROENTEROLOGY-- It is the study of stomach, alimentary canal, intestine, their working and disease. 

35.GENETICS-- It deals with studying and finding various questions such as how physical as  well as mental characters are transmitted from parents to their young ones. 

36.HAEMATOLOGY -- It is the study of blood groups and its classification. 

37.HEPTOLOGY -- It is the study of liver(function, mechanism, structure and diseases) . 

38.HISTOLOGY-- It deals with studying tissues with the help of microscopic instruments. 

39.HYDROPONICS-- It is the study of water plants species which grow in water without soil, generally free floating plants species 

40.IMMUNOLOGY -- It is the study of immune system, immunity and how it resist disease. 

41.ICHTHYOLOGY.-- It is the study of different types of fish species. 

42. MORPHOLOGY-- It is the study of the external structure of the living organisms. 

43.MICROBIOLOGY -- It is a sub-branch of zoology which deals with studying the structure, machanism,metabolism of microorganisms such as virus, bacteria,Fungi, Algae(MYCOLOGY) and protozoa . 

44.MOLECULAR BIOLOGY -- It is the of different types of molecular structure found in the body of living organism. 

45.MAMMOGRAPHY --It is a branch of science which deals tests  and recognisation of the Cancer of Breast. 

46.NEPHROLOGY -- It deals with studying structure and functions of kidney.

47.NEUROLOGY -- It is the study of the central nervous systems and it's all aspects. 

46.NEONATOLOGY-- It is a branch of zoology which deals with the study of development and stages of newborn organism.

47.ONCOLOGY-- It is the study of different types and stages of cancers and tumours. 

48.OSTEOLOGY-- It is the branch deals with the study of different structures and types of bones. 

49.ODONOTOLOGY--It is the study of different structure and types of teeth and gums. 

50.OPHTHALMOLOGY-- It is the study of eyes. 

51.ORNITHOLOGY-- It is a sub-branch of zoology deals with the study of different bird species. 


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