Look at him now

Thriving in the satiny fictitious world
Innocent about the reality .
His notion that macrocosm is a happy hunting place 
that is not even a supreme and sovereign reality 

He was naive, fragile, broken and restricted 
But look at him now 
Untouchable, unavailable,unobtainable ,
Like the diamond buried in the deep. 
Limerence state was no good for him ,
So he stimulated himself to migrate far off.
Self proclaimed high society tried to shred him apart ,
But look at him now ,
Untouchable , inaccessible , unbeatable 
Like the sun shining in the sky .
He needed to let go all the things that troubled him, 
But he restricted himself to his vivid sphere ,to up his trust level .
He was inexorable,punctilious and reticent 
Felt like having an imposter syndrome
But look at him now 
Untouchable, irresistible,impregnable
Like the thunderbolt hitting the tree
He used to entertain everyone
Unaware of God , divinity and religion 
Now that he knows , he ll find love 
On the up from the way down 
Look at him now 
Untouchable , irresistible , ungettable 
Like the Rare green comet Wandering in the galaxies 

By Tejinder 
Inspired from "look at her now" by Selena Gomez


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