The Shady boy

               Over yonder is a shady boy

His reflections and speculations that he is admirable but nurse everyone like a toy 

He appraised himself as divine 

Launching unmerited shade at me is his punchline

The analphabetic , unlattered  shady wanted something from me 

Vetoed by me , thus winced  infectious false tea .

That negation cramped him the most,

Now  he selected me to wreck me at any cost .

Its comical that he addressed sensible on my face ,

Conceivably bad mouthing about me put the shady boy at a peaceful place.

The shady boy can't even look in my eye ,

Karma ll get serve for sure , sadistic me wanna see him cry .

All he can toss bricks ,sticks, stones at me 

I can raise a house from them but still the shady ll act like a biased news anchor of BBC 

I won't react and revert the backfire , shouldn't doubt my efficiency

At the end the shady gonna suffer my outburst as his fatality 

By Tejinder 🏴


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