Where's my mind

Where's my mind ,

astray in the sight .

Scarcely to find ,

Vengeance or to be kind .

Hesitation in my mind ,

rambling here and there like wind.

Where's is my mind ,

Offtrack in the wild.

As a man who is blind,

alive with a pride .

But can't remind ,

Where's my mind .

By gone in the clouds like a kite,

Contemplation are intrusive and psychopath type

Like rain in the mid-night 

Perceptions acting like Dynamite,

No appetite,no overhype,no overwrite.

Still no symptoms of suicide,

Where's my mind ,

Smashing certain sterotypes.

Pretending like a meteorite,

Not a socialite,

Not even a parasite ,

But with a superior Genotype

That's my mind,

A kryptonite,like fireflies ignite 

By Tejinder 


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