In a  religious institution,

My sensitive soul kneels,  

Down to the almighty.

Compelling and coercing him ,

        I whisper a secret in his closet .

        murmured curses to light my life ,


 Under the holy light of the almighty, 

   I asked for their end 

with vengeance in my eyes,


In the hateful corners of my mind,.

I wish all of them to die,

Not that easy so I prayed for their demise

             With the venom of death adder , dark and cold

              I needed Revenge, a story never told

            I  asked for their misery   to make them fold 

In the depth of my despair , I found

a negativity emerging there.

I did crave their end for peace,But my heart to mend,


I prayed for the  death of  everyone

Troubling my epitome ,

and so the negative prayer must   be sent 

  By Tejinder⚖️



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