Healing of ozone layer

 In the past few weeks certain posts were circulating  on the social media platforms that ozone  layer  is heaing due to the current situation of lockdown worldwide. So in this article we ll find out whether ozone layer is healing due to this lockdown and other reasons or not


As we know that ozone layer is present in the earth's atmosphere particularly in stratosphere between 18 to 50 km altitude. It is made of ozone gas , which is a harmful gas and can cause damage to lung tissues and occurs naturally in the atmosphere. It contribute 0.00006 percent in the atmospheric gases. It is fact that ozone gas is harmful for humans but ozone layer that is also made up of ozone gas , protect living beings from harmful UV-B Rays of sunshine. 

Now let's discuss about the formation of ozone layer. Acc.to the NASA, 90 Percent of Ozone in the atmosphere is found in the stratosphere and it is created due to the result of a balance between sunlight that creates ozone and chemical reaction that destroyed it. In simple words Ozone layer is created from the oxygen that we breathe. At some particular height oxygen molecule is broken apart by sunlight into single oxygen atom, further these atoms rejoins with oxygen molecule to make ozone. Ozone is also created due to  chemical reaction between air pollutant, gasoline vapours and other aerosols -emissions.


When we talk about the discovery Of Ozone layer, Ozone hole, its depletion and problems, we know that Ozone layer was discoverd by Charles and Henry Bulsson in 1913.They found out that Ozone layer act as a barrier between Earth and UV rays and protect living beings from harmful UV radiations.


In 1970-1980 , the international community becoming easily concerned with the damage caused by Ozone depleting substances (ODS) to the Ozone layer. 

In 1976 , an atmospheric research team reveal that Ozone layer is depleting due to the chemical released by the industries mainly chloroflurocarbons (CFCs). 

The Environment Protection Agency (EPA) banned the production of CFCs in 1978. 

In the scientific journal named nature on 16th of May 1985,three scientists from the British Antarctic survey announce their detection of abnormally low levels of Ozone over the South Pole. This discovery is commonly known as the Ozone hole , became a perfect example of human's ability to damage the earth's atmosphere. 

Scientists put forward a list which defined many problems caused by UV rays such as sunburns, suntans, faster aging of the skin, Non melanoma cancers, Malignant melanoma, eye damages, cataract and affect immune system. 


Many steps were taken to control the destruction of ozone layer. Some of those efforts are given below. 


After this problem, countries near Arctic Circle were worried and they called for a agreement which is popularly known as the Vienna convention for the protection of the ozone layer. It was signed on 22 March 1985 at vienna that provided frameworks for international reduction in the production of CFCs, due to their contribution to the destruction of the Ozone layer, resulting in an increased threat of skin cancer and was signed by 28 countries. 


Montreal protocol is also known as the Montreal Protocol on substance that deplete the Ozone layer was signed on 16 sep 1987 in Montreal but came into effect on 1 jan 1987.There are 46 signatories on this agreement and is the only United nation treaty to be ratified by every country on earth. It is an international treaty designed to protect Ozone layer and considered as next part of vienna convention 1985 . This agreement had almost 5 major amendment and the latest was the kaigali (2016). It is based on a view point to reduce the use of HFCs (super-green house gases). 


India is also a part of vienna convention(1991) and montreal protocol(1992). Since 1993, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has played a crucial role in phase out ofvozone depleting substances by the govt. Of India and has been instrumental in implementing 40 million USD. 

As we know that CFCs were banned since 1987 but there are many  car-air -conditioners companies that continue to use CFCs. But powerful countries are looking for an alternative substances for such things  . 


As per the latest news, the largest hole  in the ozone layer above the Arctic has apparently closed. This news was shared by European Union monitoring program. It is a good news because the Ozone layer absorbs 97 to 99 percent of the sun's medium frequency  ultraviolet rays and lack of Ozone layer would expose life forms to the dangers of these rays. It is scientifically proven that Uv rays is one of the major cause of skin cancer but now Ozone layer is healing itself, the hole was approximately 1 million square km wide. If it had moved the same way over the populated areas, it would pose a threat to living being. Acc to the scientists, the polar vortex helped to heal the ozone  layer. Now the question is that this healing of ozone is caused by current situation of lockdown, the answer is a big no.... It is healed because of the efforts of all nations who participated in Vienna and Montreal protocol and this healing process has nothing to do with lockdown. Though lockdown also proved beneficial for environment but not for ozone  . Ozone layer is projected to be fully heal by 2050.


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