Recently a new species of pangolin has been discovered  recently.

The discovery of this Penguins species occurred from the analysis of scales seized in China's yunan province during anti trafficking operations occured in 2015 and 2019

It is believed that Manis Mysteria is believed to have diversed from its Philippine and the Malayan relatives approximately 5 million years ago. This indicates a long evolutionary history unique to this species occurring in the wild.

Pangolins are the mammals which are prominently known for their distinctive appearance and scales.They are prominently known as ant eater because most of the diet includes ants and termites.

Pangolins are covered with armours like scale which is prominently made from keratin. They Use their  long tongues, pangolins have no teeth and they are most activate night and are creature who likes solitude

When they are threatened  ,they curl  themselves into a tight ball forming a protective barrier from the predators

Four species of pangolin live in Africa-

1. Black bellied Pangolin, 

2.White bellied Pangolin

3.Giant ground Pangolin

4.Temminick's ground Pangolin

Four species are found in Asia-

1.Indian pangolin(EN) schedule I of wildlife protection act )

2. Philippine pangolin

3. Sunda Pangolin(CEN)

4.Chinese Pangolin (CEN)



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